MHS PBL/Pathways Home

Vision of a Graduate

A Montville graduate who has the skills and dispositions to navigate complex tasks is a:
1. Communicator       2. Information Consumer
3. Problem Solver      4. Independent Learner


  • 2,017 Students
  • 8 Schools/Programs
  • $19,404 Per Pupil Expenditure
  • 228 Full-time Certified Staff
  • 93.4% Students taking courses promoting college and career readiness
  • 95.5% MHS Graduation Rate
  • 27 Sports Teams

Our Vision

At Montville Public Schools all students will be engaged in purposeful and challenging learning experiences that are responsive to individual differences.  As a community we share accountability for student success and social and emotional well-being.  Through strong relationships with students, parents and the community, we will promote civic responsibility, development of personal identity, and respect for diversity.  By providing an environment where it is safe to take risks, students will learn to take pride in who they are and what they accomplish.  The Montville Public Schools will deliver on the promise of high achievement for all students and eliminate opportunity gaps to ensure every graduate is a critical, creative, and collaborative problem-solver ready for life, learning and work in a global society.

News & Announcements

PowerSchool Logo

PowerSchool Cybersecurity Incident Update

Yesterday, January 29, 2025, PowerSchool initiated the process of notifying individuals whose information was determined to be involved. Please see click on this article for more information.

Principal's Message

As the principal of the PBL & Pathways campus, it is my desire to see every student be successful. In order to do that, parents/guardians and school staff need to create strong, trusting relationships.  To do this, I need the help of every parent/guardian.  The following is a list of ways you can help me, the teachers, and your child:
* get them to school every day possible
* check on their progress daily with them and often with us
*  communicate with us as often as possible and expect the same from us
*  support our student code of conduct and attendance policies
*  update phone numbers and medical paperwork
*  support us in our efforts to teach them to be kind and respectful people as we focus on their attitudes, behaviors, and language
We want our students to know they have to work hard today to have successes in their tomorrows.  We want them to be self-confident, hard-working, caring members of our society, who are educated resources for our future generations. We can’t do that alone.  
As an educator, I encourage lifelong learning. Education doesn’t stop!  Our school should be a continuation of what the child has been taught at home, at previous schools, and in community programs. Please, feel free to contact me if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions.
David Gollsneider
MB student speaker
grad selfies